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Book a Room
Friends of the Library - Make an impact
The Friends of the Library (FOTL) non-profit organization promotes our library as an essential institution of our society. Our volunteer members advocate & raise funds for the library, so that the library can continue to offer quality programs.
In the recent past, the FOTL have contributed funds for:
- The Halloween Haunted House Night
- All-Ages Concerts at the Library
- Summer Reading prizes
When you join us, you'll have the opportunity to help organize fundraiser projects, make decisions for special library purchases such as sponsoring certain programs and cultural events, contribute hands-on help at events (such as selling popcorn, etc), and even become a board member of FOTL.
If interested, email reference@sfvpld.org
Business Hours
Mon - Thur | 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. |
Fri - Sat | 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. |
Sun | Closed |